Marketing is filled with so many jargon and buzzwords that can be very annoying and unrealistic. So here are five marketing cliches that are so overused that we almost hate them.
“Think Outside the Box”
This is one that we’ve all heard a million times. But we all love “The Box” because it’s our comfort zone and it’s very cozy there. The box is the proverbial container of creative thinking we’re all trying to escape. But if everyone is thinking outside the box, who’s actually thinking in the box?
“Content Is King”
Content is king is another marketing jargon that we cannot go a day without hearing about. There are many types of content to create, and “good” content is subjective and relative to the individual. Yes, content is important, but the kingdom is pretty crowded now though.
“On the Same Page”
I feel like when someone asks if you’re on the same page, more times than not, you aren’t. So, can we all agree that we don’t have to be on the same page? So we might be on different pages, but at least we’re in the same book.
“Going Viral”
Yes, every marketer’s ultimate goal is to create viral content. There’s so much pressure to go viral, so can we completely erase that from our marketing vocabulary, please? Thank you.
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